Rally Classes 


Join Us for an Exciting Rally Class Experience!

Take the first step towards strengthening the bond with your dog through our fun and interactive rally classes.

Welcome to Rally.  I hope that you will find Rally to be a happy and rewarding way to learn and partner with your dog.  In Rally, you can have fun with, talk to, and cheer for, your dog, and you will both work together, as a team, to master the Rally level signs.   

Rally 1 (Novice and Intermediate)

This class is for teams: new to Rally; at the Novice/Intermediate Rally level; and/or who would like a Rally refresher. This class will be predominantly on-leash.  We will work on loose leash walking, which is an important skill in Rally, as well as for everyday walks.  We will review the Novice and Intermediate Rally level signs, with a special emphasis on the basics (halt, sit, down, stay, come front-finish), so that the team will have a solid foundation to build on as it moves toward learning the more challenging Rally level signs.


Class dates: Sept. 24, October 1 - 8-15-22-29

Time: 10.30 am

Rally 2 (Advanced) 

This class is for teams who have mastered the Novice Rally level signs, and mastered, or are close to mastering, the Intermediate Rally level signs.  Even though Advanced Rally level signs are performed off-leash, we will continue to work some on loose leash walking (because that will help train the dog to stay with the handler when off-leash) and the basics.  We will add in: jumps; pivots; side-steps; handler leaving the dog; handler stepping in front of the dog-finish; and the dog going around the handler.  



Class dates: Sept. 24, October 1 - 8-15-22-29

Time: 12.00 pm

Rally 3 (Excellent


This class is for teams who have mastered the Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Rally level signs, and are ready for a higher-level challenge.  This class will build on the lower level Rally skills and emphasize work on the following: halt-stand/down; a moving stand/down; handler calling the dog from a distance; handler sending the dog a distance; jump recalls; handler stepping in front of the dog and the team side-stepping; dog backing up alongside the handler; team performing cloverleaf sequences; the dog spinning next to, or going around, the handler; and practice courses.  I plan to spend time on perfecting the teams’ ability to perform individual, or related groupings of, signs before moving to the practice courses.  


Class dates: Sept. 24, October 1 - 8-15-22-29

Time: 1.30 pm

Our Instructor :  Tracy Gruis

I first became interested in dog sports after getting my dog, Indy (2007-2020).  After Indy and I learned the basics, I heard there were other things we could do together, such as agility or rally; Indy loved learning all of the new dog sports with me. Indy liked agility the best, but she did APDT Rally and achieved an ARCH-X.  Fast-forward to the 2020’s, and my current dogs, Cosmo, Quid and Apricus (Appy), do Rally, Agility, Scent Work, Herding and Obedience, as well as Trick Dog, Canine Good Citizen and Fit Dog.  My Rally training, for the most part, is home schooled in the evening, or on morning walks.  I picked up tips and studied the rules as I competed, so I could help my dogs achieve success.  Cosmo was my first dog to score a perfect 100 in AKC Rally Master.  Quid was my first dog to get an AKC Rally Championship (RACH).  Appy was my fastest dog to progress through the AKC Rally levels to get a RACH. They are all smart and amazing dogs, who learn differently, so my training considers their different personalities. From 2022-2023, I had all 3 dogs competing in AKC Rally simultaneously, so I would run between about 8 and 18 runs during a 2-trial day.  It was a whirlwind of runs and learning nuances, with a different approach for each dog.  My dedication to bringing out the best of their different personalities resulted in: Quid getting his RACH in May 2023; Cosmo getting his RACH in June 2023; and Appy getting her RACH in July 2023.

What are Rally Classes?

"Think of an AKC Rally event as any team sport: You and your dog navigate a course, side-by-side, as you steer him through a course of 10-20 different signs. Each of these signs provides instructions regarding the next skill that is to be performed. The dog and handler move continuously throughout the course with the dog under control at the handler’s left side. There is a clear sense of teamwork between the dog and handler both during and between the numbered signs. Although each performance is timed, having a good race time is not the goal; it’s all about working as a team while performing the skills, with the dog under control.

As one of the world’s most famous basketball players, Michael Jordan, once said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” When you participate in an AKC Rally event, you get to show off both: Your dog’s talents and the teamwork between you.

Started in 2005, AKC Rally is a fun family sport and participation increases each year. All dogs are welcome to participate in AKC Rally, whether purebred or mixed breed. It’s a perfect starting point for those who are new to canine sports, as AKC Rally provides a challenging introduction to all AKC Companion Events for dogs and handlers to strengthen their skills."


Why Choose K9 Bondz, LLC Rally Classes?

At K9 Bondz,LLC our rally classes are designed to be engaging, challenging, and rewarding for both you and your dog. Our experienced instructor will provide personalized attention and guidance to help you and your dog excel in rally obedience.